Installing Node.js

Assuming you don't know how to install Node.js or don't have it yet, this page will guide you through.

Make sure you are knowledgeable of basic command line proficiency, else matter things will be pretty complicated for you.

Installing Node.js on Windows

Node.js installation on Windows is pretty easy and straight-forward.

  1. Go to the Node.js Website

  2. Download the latest installer version (from the downloads page)

  3. Run the installer file

  4. Follow the instructions given

Installing Node.js on Mac

You can download Node.js on Mac via 2 ways:

Via the installer

  1. Go to the Node.js Website

  2. Download the latest installer version (from the downloads page)

  3. Run the installer file

  4. Follow the instructions given

Via a package manager (like Homebrew)

  1. Run brew install node

Installing Node.js on Linux

You should visit this page for more info on installation on Linux. On another hand, you might already have Node.js installed (for example if you are using a VPS). You can check by running node -v. If you have version 12.0 or higher, you are good to go! Else wise, check the page linked above (or click here)


To check if you have Node.js, you can run node -v.

Last updated